Quest 8: 10 Tips For Finishing Your Writing Project
In this episode, Stefka and Christina provide ten tips on how to finish your writing projects and share how Stefka turned her writing process around.
Poetry Side Quest: 7th Nerve by Rhiannon Hooson
In this poetry side quest, Christina reads the poem “7th Nerve” by Rhiannon Hooson to get your creative juices flowing. Find out more about the author at
Quest 7: 10 Ways to Fight Perfectionism
In this episode, we discuss the myths, dangers, and signs of perfectionism. From free writing to the “zero draft,” we offer practical tips and tools for dealing with perfectionism. Join us as we navigate the complexities of editing, finding inspiration, and overcoming the need for perfection.
Poetry Side Quest: Green Card :: Evidence of Adequate Means… by Ae Hee Lee
In this poetry side quest, Christina reads the poem “Green Card :: Evidence of Adequate Means of Financial Support” by Ae Hee Lee to get your creative juices flowing. Find out more at and find out more about Ae Hee Lee at
Quest 6: Let’s talk about Fanfiction
In this episode, we’ll talk about fanfiction. It’s the genre that Stefka first started writing in and still enjoys dabbling in. The endless options, the sandboxes to play with and the community are all part of the reason, why she enjoys fanfiction. In this episode, she will tell us more about her love for fanfiction.
Poetry Side Quest: Woods, and Us by Alison Brackenbury
In this poetry side quest, Christina reads the poem “Woods, and Us” by Alison Brackenbury to get your creative juices flowing. Find out more at and find out more about Alison Brackenbury at
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